This really struck a chord with me, Tasha...

"So for years I believed that being invited to this party called life, meant that I needed to spend the rest of it earning my keep."

That is something I'm in the process of unlearning right now.

Creating my own dictionary, defining words that reflect who we/I truly are... I like that idea! 💡 🥰

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First, I'm so grateful that those words resonated with you because sometimes I think we can think we are the only ones going through or feeling certain things. I know that for a long time I felt like I was the only one feeling this way. When I started to talk about it, I was astounded to learn that others - like you - felt that way too. That's why I love knowing/learning my worth and knowing that I have the freedom to define things for myself as I am right now. I think giving ourselves the grace to say - this is what this means to me now and still being open to what we might learn and incorporate into our personal dictionary is exciting. We don't have to wait or prove anything - we just need to be with our experience and ourselves. It's awesome right?

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May 2, 2023Liked by Natasha

Love this, Natasha! I’ll be thinking about this!

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I cannot wait to see what you might find as you think about this!

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I love that this topic spoke to you and that you have so much to say. If you feel inspired at any time, I would LOVE to hear your thoughts! And I know you would inspire others as well!!

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I have so much to say..yet not ready to share... I love this topic, these words, this idea..Thank you,friend.

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